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Histopathology and Morbid Anatomy

Histopathology and Morbid Anatomy



The department of Histopathology and Morbid Anatomy was carved out from the former Department of Laboratory services in August 2016 by the Medical Director, Dr. O.O Alabi. Hitherto, it existed as a unit of that department, but by this creation, it began to operate as an independent department.

The Department of Histopathology is the main provider of diagnostic histopathological and cytopathological services in the Lokoja metropolis and its environs and acts as a regional reference Centre. We have substantial teaching and research duties.

We have a modest site laboratory, housing automated equipment for use in a wide range of diagnostic methods applied to cells and tissue from patient samples.

Annually, we receive more than 1,000 requests, examine more than 10,000 glass slides by microscopy and perform some molecular analyses. A large part of our diagnostic work involves the investigation and treatment of cancer.

The department employs 3 consultant/staff specialist pathologists, 5 Medical laboratory Scientist, 3 medical laboratory technicians, and 6 mortuary staff members.

Head of Department

Dr Olatunji Oluwaseyi Fadahunsi


HOD, Histopathology and Morbid Anatomy