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History of FTH Lokoja

In the beginning

The Federal Medical Centre, Lokoja was the former General Hospital Lokoja, Built by the former Kabba Provincial Government in 1954 at the Headquarters of the Nigerian Inland Waterways Authority (NIWA), Adankolo, Lokoja. In 1958, the Hospital was relocated from Adankolo to its present site in the G.R.A, which is about ½ km from the old site.

The General Hospital assumed the status of a Specialist in 1984 with the addition of the new wing of 4 wards, a laboratory/X-ray building, Store/Laundry complex and a Mortuary under the aegis of the then Kwara State Government from which the present Kogi State was created in 1991.

The present Federal Medical Centre, Lokoja came into existence on the 9th of November 1999 sequel to the agreement between the Federal Ministry of Health on behalf of the Federal Government of Nigeria and the Kogi State Ministry of Health for and on behalf of the Government of Kogi State. Following this agreement the General Hospital, Lokoja was upgraded to the status of a Tertiary Health Centre (Federal Medical Centre, Lokoja) in accordance with the Federal Government Health Policy with a staff strength of 86 personnel.

Federal Medical Centre, Lokoja was established by Federal Government with a mandate to reach out to all patients through the use of highly skilled manpower in a friendly atmosphere sustained by research and training.

The first Medical Director of the Centre, in the person of Late Prof. Momoh Anate, was appointed on the 12th of November 1999 as the Chief Executive Officer of the Centre.

The hospital started off with a staff strength of 86 medical personnel and later on in August 2000 absorbed 252 staff of the former General hospital, Lokoja. The Centre was renovated with the pulling down of old roofing sheets and replaced with new ones. The renovation covered: Outpatient Consulting & Pharmacy, Children ward, Dental department, Accounts and Audit, Physiotherapy, Casualty and Medical Social welfare etc.

The infrastructures available as at the time that the Centre attained a Tertiary Health care status were such that are usually found in a General Hospital setting, hence the need for massive infrastructural development which began with the renovation of the old building which had worn out roofs and then the construction of new ones to accommodate the expanding population of staff and patients alike.

Miss Thomas Itsemhe A. Val was the first Youth Corper to serve in the Federal Medical Centre, Lokoja in 2004 and she served her fatherland with zeal and zest. During her service year she designed the first layout of the Federal Medical Centre, Lokoja, erected signpost in strategic places, designed labels for the wards and offices, hoisting and designing of the Centre’s flag, amongst other events she carried out as her social responsibility to the society and her country.

The Recent Past

Dr. Dada Gbadebo Eleshin took over helm of affairs of the Federal Medical Centre, Lokoja from the pioneer Medical Director, Late Prof. Momoh Anate in an acting capacity on the 9th November, 2007 pending the ratification and appointment of a new Medical Director. After a second round of interview, He was officially announced the second Medical Director of Federal Medical Centre, Lokoja on May, 2008.

He took steps to address the issue of manpower shortage aggressively within one month of assumption of office. Small scale recruitment exercise was carried out to bring in some essential staff within the limit of the available resources.

  • Medical Officers
  • Nurses
  • Laboratory Assistants
  • Health Attendants
  • Health Records Assistants
  • Electricians etc.

The situation in the hospital as at the time under Dr. Eleshin was such that only one Doctor covered the whole hospital during call hours and one Nurse per most wards during afternoon and night shifts. He commenced the process of a larger scale recruitment exercise which materialized two years later precisely 2010.

Meanwhile, before then the personnel gap was partially bridged by engaging the services of Locum staff and Corps members in relevant clinical areas some of whom eventually became permanent staff.

During Dr. Eleshin's era he embarked on major infrastructural development in the Centre, which includes: Construction of Consultant office block and Library complex, Construction of Maternity complex, Intensive Care Unit building, and the laboratory building, just to mention a few….

Right from inception of the Federal Medical Centre, Lokoja, the staff strength has gradually improved over the years. Starting with the era of Late Prof. Momoh Anate who pioneered the Centre with the help of the staff absorbed from the former General hospital, Lokoja (338) and the coming of Dr. Dada Gbadebo Eleshin who improved the personnel manpower through vigorous efforts by embarking on staff recruitment in the year 2010 and 2013, this boosted the personnel manpower with improved patient care. Fig. shows the histogram of personnel growth of the Federal Medical Centre, Lokoja. Right from inception to date.

The present

The present Management under the leadership of Dr. Olatunde Oladeji Alabi who became the MD in 2017, have over the years built on the existing foundation of the previous management towards transforming the Hospital into a World Class standard.

Most notable is the computerization of the Federal Medical Centre, Lokoja, which is now a role model for other health Institutions to emulate.

This includes the completion of ongoing projects which include:

  • Phase I O&G complex
  • New Pharmacy complex
  • New theatre complex
  • Renovation, extension and re-equipping of Ophthalmology department
  • Renovation of Labour ward, Obstetric lying-in and Old consultant offices.
  • Renovation of Residents and intern call Room
  • Renovation, extension and equipping of old theatre complex.
  • Completion of the main store building
  • Solar power backup for emergency points in the hospital
  • Construction of a new administrative building.
  • Expansion of the MD's office and procurement unit
  • Acquisition of 63 hectares of land for the new permanent site and many more.

The hospital as announced on the 7th of May, 2023 acquired the status of a Teaching Hospital.